Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Screaming can all to often consume about 70% of my day. Here is a breakdown.
20% - screams of joy
20% - screams of I am not getting what I want and I'm letting you know this
10% - Trey vs. Taatjes
10% - Teague just needs to
10% - in my own head when I can't figure out how to overcome my screaming problem

I do love the screams of joy but the rest I could live without. But as we all know it is a package deal. For example - Trey playing with Mator (from the Cars movie) with squealing delight as he races him and says a few of his lines from the movie; until Taatjes decides to block his way and the delight turns to Trey vs. Taatjes followed by a slap from Trey to Taatjes, mom steps in and takes Mator for the bad choice by Trey, this is followed by the extreme screaming of not getting things the way he wants; which in turn wakes up Teague crying because he his hungryand leads me to the inner screaming of frustration. I am finding myself caught in this maddening cycle all to often. January can be one of those months.
Like all of you up North the snow is great when you can get outside and play in it...but I am looking forward to spring and letting my kids scream outside.


-Kelly said...

That post was hillarious!!! I haven't experiencing the sibling screams yet but I'm sure they are coming soon! All the rest I sure have. I too can NOT wait until spring. Winter seems to drag on forever!

Charity Lemke said...

Why do we live in Michigan???