Monday, February 12, 2007

A few more things we did. The Golden Gate Bridge of course. No, we did not walk across it. Way to windy for Teague. Justin was thrilled to get to see the famous Lombard St. Yes we did walk all the way up from the bottom you can see in the picture then down again. Anyone would have killer calfs if they walked that daily. I am just glad he did not want to drive it. You heard a lot of screeching breaks all the way down. I can only imagine how often people who live in this city have their brakes changed. The guys in the next picture were fun. They acted like robots to some Snoop Dog music for money. They gave any kid who put money in their cans a sucker. I don't think they saw all the parents quickly grabbing the suckers away from their children, but nice touch. They stood out from all the other street corner acts. They had a huge crowd. I was impressed with how long they are able to hold one position. Again it was such a great time to get away and enjoy ourselves.

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