Thursday, May 08, 2008

No more T's

So all of our boys have T names that I get mixed up every now and then. They promptly correct me when the offense occurs. 3 is hard enough to keep strait. So just when I pause and think which T boy am I talking to; one more has been added to the mix (not my own:). Tavish! Tavish is the boys new friend who lives next door to us! He and his family moved in here (our temporary housing) when we did. So when we met him and he said "my name is Tavish" I just laughed. Oh my goodness another T name to remember and keep strait when they are all running around the house. He comes over nearly everyday to play so he enters into the mass confusion of wrong name calling. He is used to it now and just laughs at me when I get it wrong and tells me how silly I am. We love making new friends but I am crossing my fingers that there are no more T's!


Andrew said...

I'm glad we're not the only ones! It often happens that we'll tell a Belg Boys story and mix up a name...

Cubba said...

Could be J's... an article on

To date, the Duggars’ 17 natural children range in age from 20 years to 9 months. Included in the mix are 10 boys and seven girls — Joshua, twins Jana and John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, twins Jedidiah and Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah and baby Jennifer, who arrived last Aug. 2.

The Belgianos said...

I have seen them run through that list of names. Do they even talk to 2/3rds of their children though?