Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Yes, peanut butter does work to remove gum from your child's hair! Trey decided to roll his gum through his hair and it got stuck right on the front of his hair. I did not have time to take a picture because he kept rolling it to try to get it out and he said it was hurting his head. So... I got out the peanut butter, slapped it on his head and eventually worked it out of his hair. He thought it was awesome that he got to have peanut butter in his hair! Let's just hope he doesn't remember this clever trick for himself. I was picturing my future; walking into the kitchen to find Taatjes covered in peanut butter, as Trey giggled while I gooped the peanut butter through his hair.


Cubba said...

Been there... done that.

The Belgianos said...

Why does that not surprise me:)

-Kelly said...

ooh, that seems messy! Thankfully, I haven't had that happen to me yet... but if it does, I'll know what to do!

kelli said...

I did that once because I wanted to get my hair cut and my mom wouldn't let me! Only, she was able to get it out too and then I got grounded.

The Belgianos said...

You should have done that with my mom. She reminded me that I did that as well but she just cut it out.