Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cousin Greer Comes For A Visit!


(Oh and Auntie Alyssa too of course!)

Big thanks to Alyssa for flying by herself, at the crack of dawn, with her baby (and one in her belly YEA!), my niece Greer to come all the way to WI from MA to stay the week with us!!! The boys were thrilled and had a wonderful week. Minus the part that Taatjes spent throwing up for a day and night. So glad Greer escaped all that though. All Alyssa and I could imagine was her worst nightmare coming to fruition and spending 2 flights home with a baby vomiting on her lap! Phew, only a nightmare!
The boys love their cousin Greer. At times a bit too much. The statement that I had on repeat for the week was "Space, she needs some Space"! They followed her around everywhere, kept jumping in her face making their silly faces to get laughs, and constantly interpreting Greer's every wish and desire to her mother. Alyssa handled the information overload beautifully, thanks! Greer would just look at the stairs or the fridge and sure enough the boys would yell out to Alyssa, "Greer is hungry and she wants to go up stairs to our room". They were very involved. I think Greer loved it though. She is super social. Each morning when she woke she gave everyone a huge. She was constantly waving Hi to us during our meals from across the table. It is super cute to see how strongly she desires to love others. Great example in the picture above. She fell asleep while sitting in Taatjes lap getting a little love during TV time. I have never, ever seen a baby sleep in another child's lap! It was too cute! We loved our week with them and the boys are still arguing over who Greer likes more (even though I keep reminding them she loves them each equally).
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

So where are the pics of sis?